Grace Flannery - Blog 9

  Today I shadowed a nurse named Tori and she had two patients. One is a man who is very sick with covid, and he might not make it because he hasn't been making much progress. His wife scheduled a family meeting for today which Tori told me they may talk about letting him go which is very sad. Her other patient was a women who is battling cancer and is also just critically ill. I'm not exactly sure what her main reason for being in the ICU is but she is very very sick. Her husband has been with her every single day and whenever I am there he is always there too. I can tell how much he loves her and although he is trying to stay positive the nurses have said how he's gotten much sadder over the course of the past two weeks. Seeing him so sad was probably one of the hardest things for me to see these past two weeks because all of this doesn't really hit you until you see the patients family and how its affecting them. 


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